Support Us

Bygone has three simple aims:

  • Grow the archive
  • Present historical information in interesting and compelling ways
  • Become self-sustaining

Growing our archive

We are interested in photographs of buildings, landscapes, street scenes and more. If you have a collection of photographs you would be interested in sharing, please do not hesitate to email us, or alternatively register an account. Once your account is approved, you will be able to upload photographs yourself.
If you have physical photographs, we would love to help digitise these for you. Please drop us a line to arrange this. Please note, there will be a charge for particularly large collections.

Presenting historical information in interesting and compelling ways

Currently, we are prototyping and building different ways of viewing historical photographs with tools such as our map and browse function. If you have any feedback (positive or negative!) or ideas on how we could present things more effectively, please get in touch.

Becoming self-sustaining

We are presently self funded. We have started producing merchandise! You can check out some of our bookmarks here.

Each time something is purchased via the eBay links at the bottom of each page, we receive a small commissions at no additional cost to you. So if you are considering purchasing something on eBay, please go via our affiliate link.

We welcome additional feedback on the above, and as always, are open to new ideas. Thank you!
