Scanned from Havant - Seen and Remembered by Geoffrey Salter and Derek Dine, Hampshire County Library. Published 1979.
'The Dolphin Hotel, on the left, stood here from the early 1800s and was known as the principal inn Havant. Stage coaches called daily en route from Brighton to Portsmouth...
From top left to bottom right:
Roman Baths. The Abbey. Holburne Museum.
Royal Crescent. The Circus. Pulteney Bridge.
The Abbey. Northumberland Place. Aerial View (West Air Photography)
After suffering damage during the war, the Guildhall was reopened by the Queen in 1959. Modern development makes an identical view impossible to how it looked back in 1930, but in the square the tram shelter has gone, as have the trees and the Guildhall minarets.
This photograph was scanned from a book titled Portsmouth Past and Present by Anthony Triggs.
This picture was taken at Easter of 1930, and shows the popular fair on the hill slopes.
This image is scanned from a book titled Portsmouth Past and Present by Anthony Triggs.
QUEEN STREET - 1900: This photograph by F J Mortimer, was taken in April, 1900, and captures the scene as Queen Street prepared to welcome H.M.S Powerful on her return from the Boer War. The ladder, in the...
Circa 1900.
Sourced from Sense of Place South East website. Sourced from Sense of Place South East website. Courtesy of Derek Dine, Hampshire County Library.
Circa 1887.
Sourced from Sense of Place South East website. Courtesy of Derek Dine, Hampshire County Library.
'On the left is the old White Hart which was pulled down in 1889, and you can just see the bracket of the pub sign on the left for the Millers Arms which had just been sold to widen...
Circa 1904.
Sourced from Sense of Place South East website. Courtesy of Derek Dine, Hampshire County Library.
"The Little Brown Jug" was number 28, on the south side of the street. A Gales Brewery traction engine lorry is delivering stock, with several barrels and crates on the pavement. In...