
Old pictures of Portsmouth

  1. Tangier Road and shops

    Year unknown, likely 80s or 90s. Shows shops: "Super BlockBuster Video", "Classy",
  2. Super BlockBuster Video, Tangier Road, Baffins, Portsmouth

    This is not "The" BlockBuster, but a chain of stores that operated around the South Coast.
  3. Inside BlockBuster, Francis Ave, Portsmouth

    Shop interior. Year unknown, probably 80s or 90s.
  4. BlockBuster Video, Francis Ave

    Year unknown, probably 70s or 80s. This is not "The" BlockBuster, but a chain of stores that operated around the South Coast.
  5. The Bridge Tavern, Portsmouth, 1968

    Dated 10th April 1968.
  6. Charles Dickens' Birthplace, Portsmouth

    Sign indicates the museum is "closed for renovations". Year unknown, but was with another photograph dated 1968.
  7. W.C. Nutter shopfront, 142 Highland Road, Eastney, 1927

    Photograph courtesy of Julian Jones. William .C. Nutter was his grandfather.
  8. A.H Tuppen, W. Nutter Newsagents, 142 Highland Road, Eastney, 1941.

    The man putting up the blackouts on the left hand side is Mr. Tuppen, who was a blind picture-framer. Roof shows minor bomb damage. Photograph courtesy of Julian Jones. William .C. Nutter was his grandfather, and Mr. Tuppen pictured became his godfather.
  9. Elephants cooling off in the sea, Southsea, Portsmouth, Hampshire

    Year unknown.
  10. Broad Street Flooding, Old Portsmouth, 1905

  11. Broad Street with snow, Old Portsmouth, 1910

  12. Broad Street, Old Portsmouth, drawing, 1800s

  13. Still and West, Old Portsmouth, early 1900s

  14. Broad Street, Old Portsmouth, 1920s or 30s

    Broad Street, Old Portsmouth in the 1920s or 1930s.
  15. Loaders temperance dining rooms, Broad St, Old Portsmouth

    Located on Broad St, Old Portsmouth.
  16. Broad Street, Old Portsmouth, flooding early 1900s

    Early 1900s.
  17. Savoy Cafe exterior, Southsea, Portsmouth, 1920s

    The Savoy Cafe was located on South Parade, Southsea, Portsmouth. Photograph taken late 1920s.
  18. Savoy Cafe interior, Southsea, Portsmouth

    The Savoy Cafe was located on South Parade, Southsea, Portsmouth.
  19. Portsmouth FC wins the FA cup - 1939

    Portsmouth were FA cup winners in 1939. This incredible photograph was taken as the bus drove through a crowd near Greetham Street in Portsmouth. In the background you can just about make out Sussex Hotel and Sharps department store. Photograph courtesy of Mike Burnett. His father Fred Burnett...
  20. Early 1900s map of Southsea, Portsmouth, showing East Southsea railway station

    Shows East Southsea railway station which closed in 1914. Station was renamed East Southsea in 1896 and closed upon the outbreak of WW1 in 1914.
