Portsmouth were FA cup winners in 1939. This incredible photograph was taken as the bus drove through a crowd near Greetham Street in Portsmouth. In the background you can just about make out Sussex Hotel and Sharps department store.
Photograph courtesy of Mike Burnett. His father Fred Burnett...
Scanned from Havant - Seen and Remembered by Geoffrey Salter and Derek Dine, Hampshire County Library. Published 1979.
'The Dolphin Hotel, on the left, stood here from the early 1800s and was known as the principal inn Havant. Stage coaches called daily en route from Brighton to Portsmouth...
After suffering damage during the war, the Guildhall was reopened by the Queen in 1959. Modern development makes an identical view impossible to how it looked back in 1930, but in the square the tram shelter has gone, as have the trees and the Guildhall minarets.