Postmarked 22/05/32.
Images from left to top right: The Rock Gardens, Southsea. Beach from Clarence Pier. South Parade Pier & Gardens.
Image reads: It's 10 to 1 I'll enjoy myself in the good old-fashioned way, and 20 to 1 this is the place for a real good holiday. I wanted to have a...
Sunshine Holidays, Hayling Island, Hampshire, The Children’s Boating Lake.
Postcard kindly submitted by Jaf Yusuf, collected by his mum in the 1970s/80s.
From top left to bottom right: The Ferry, Royal Hotel, Langstone, Creek Rd, Eastoke.
Postcard kindly submitted by Jaf Yusuf, collected by his mum in the 1970s/80s.